Please remove all numbers in Tagged Bonus within Abilities. Apply a * On 3 skills (You can stack it aswell on only one ability if you want.) And apply per * +2 Points in the Abilities Value
Please remove all numbers in Tagged Bonus within Abilities. Apply a * On 3 skills (You can stack it aswell on only one ability if you want.) And apply per * +2 Points in the Abilities Value
Aswell, change your AC to your Dex Modifier
How's it looking now? Never really made a D&D Character sheet before
The ability you have tagged with a *. You can add +2 on the ability category. So for your example Atheltics is 6 instead of 4. Investigation is 9 instead of 7 and Nature is 9 instead of 7. When you done that, it should be all good and ready. And choose wiseldy. You will never be able to obtain another *, incase of a special event perhaps. Otherwise, they will be there forever and can not be moved.
Last Edit: May 6, 2019 20:05:41 GMT by battlecreeper
The ability you have tagged with a *. You can add +2 on the ability category. So for your example Atheltics is 6 instead of 4. Investigation is 9 instead of 7 and Nature is 9 instead of 7. When you done that, it should be all good and ready. And choose wiseldy. You will never be able to obtain another *, incase of a special event perhaps. Otherwise, they will be there forever and can not be moved.
Your character starts off in the safe Island place within the Kingdom of Surna. Escapee slaves who have made a new home. You can give yourself normal clothes, remove the Iron Slave collar.
You are a free woman under the order of King Astarius Truthcaller. You are a civilian, and you are aware to obtain Citizen ship by military service of 5 years. Wich you can sign up in the Academy. Citizenship allows you more rights in this Kingdom (Democartical rights), such as the right to vote, the right to lead a city and so forth. aswell as possiblities to climb ranks. You start in the belive of the Holy Light and are made to belive that the King is God himself of the Light. Breaking almost any of the laws are in death penality (Remember, Medieval age), so watchfull with actions and mouth if you do not wish to accidently break the law off the start.